My Movie Reviews

A look at movies by jtenman.


Nim's Island

Posted by JTENMAN

Release Date: April 4, 2008
Time: 1 hr 36 min
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Rating: PG
My Rating: G
Starring: Abigail Breslin, Jodie Foster, Gerard Butler
Grade: B

Synopsis: A young girl living on a tropical island with her scientist father is left to fend for herself after her dad's boat leaves him stranded far away and careless tour companies wreak havoc on the secluded paradise in directors Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett's adaptation of the popular children's book by author Wendy Orr. Realizing that she will need adult assistance if she truly hopes to save her home, the resourceful youngster soon begins exchanging e-mails with the author of a book she has been reading. Nim's Island stars Little Miss Sunshine's Abigail Breslin, as well as Jodie Foster and Gerard Butler. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

My Review: Another film with Abigail Breslin where she does an excellent job. I did not enjoy this movie as much as the last one with her, but it was still well done. Some of the parts of the story were very cheesy, especially the ending, but at the same time I wish that I could have been there to help the girl. Watching this film really will want to make you move to a stranded island to live. One thing that I wish they would have expanded on is how they got internet. My wife and I were both wondering the minute we found out they did... Also, Jodie Foster does a good job being the crazy lady in the film.

Recommend: This one is much more for the kids. I think they will enjoy this more than Kit Kittredge, but for the adults, this film is not as entertaining. This is a good family film and it really wants to make you move to the stranded island.


Kit Kittredge: An American Girl

Posted by JTENMAN

Release Date: July 2, 2008
Time: 1 hr 41 min
Distributor: New Line Cinema
Rating: G
My Rating: G
Starring: Abigail Breslin, Chris O'Donnell, Julia Ormond
Grade: A-

Synopsis: Producer Julia Roberts brings the American Girl brand to the big screen for the very first time with this inspirational tale concerning a nine-year-old girl named Kit Kittredge (Academy Award nominee Abigail Breslin) growing up during the Great Depression. Though the American Girls have previously appeared on the small screen in Samantha: An American Girl Holiday, Felicity: An American Girl Adventure, and Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front, Kit's adventure marks the very first major theatrical endeavor for the characters created by author Valerie Tripp. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

My Review: Abigail Breslin did an excellent job and she really made this film move a long. She did a good job of playing the little reporter and had some funny moments when she was trying to get her stories published. The story in general made you really think and be grateful for what you do have even in this time of economic downturn. The other character that was really adorable was Countee. Excellent job by the writers with that character (I don't want to give anything away). Also, the mystery side of things made this film very good at the end and it was very enjoyable.

Recommend: This film is a must for the family, and it would be a good film to add to the family collection. It is a lot of fun to watch and the story moves a long very well. The kids will enjoy it because it is understandable enough for them, and parents will enjoy it as well, because it is also a lot of fun for them. Check this movie out.



Posted by JTENMAN

Release Date: October 24, 1997
Time: 1 hr 46 min
Distributor: Columbia Pictures
Rating: PG-13
My Rating: PG-13
Starring: Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law
Grade: A-

Synopsis:In the 21st century, genetic engineering makes possible the creation of biologically superior human specimens ("valids"), who then grow to positions of power and prestige. Would-be astronaut Vincent (Ethan Hawke) born the old-fashioned way, can only hope for a janitorial position at the elite Gattaca Corporation--until he buys the blood, urine, and identity of a perfect but paralyzed athlete. But a murder in the company's ranks attracts the attention of a detective who threatens to sniff Vincent out.

My Review: This film never ceases to amaze me. I have watched this movie before - the last time was about 5 years ago. When we decided to watch it, I thought it was going to be a real snoozer, but it turned out to be just the opposite. I think that my favorite character in the film is the one played by Jude Law. He does an excellent job with showing his disability, but the film as a whole is very intriguing. I am usually not a big fan of Uma Thurman, but she does an excellent job here as well. Probably the thing I like most about this film is just that it makes you think about life and what you are really like on the inside, as well as about the equality of everyone.

Recommend: I don't think this one is for the little ones. There is one scene that is a bit bloody, and another that has some strong language. Just the theme of the movie is a little darker than a lot and I think the kids will become lost fast. However, this one is perfect if you want a serious (drama) film. Check this out if you haven't, or we'll lend it to you.